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Here are several variations of "We should leave the banana out of this recipe to allow the flavors of the berries to shine":

1. Let’s skip the banana in this recipe so the berries’ flavors can stand out.

2. We should omit the banana to let the berries take center stage.

3. Leaving out the banana will help the berry flavors come through more strongly.

4. We should exclude the banana to highlight the taste of the berries.

5. Let’s leave the banana out so the berries’ flavors can really shine.

6. Removing the banana will allow the berries to be the star of this dish.

7. We should avoid adding the banana to let the berries’ flavors dominate.

8. Let’s keep the banana out to let the berries’ flavors pop.

9. By skipping the banana, we’ll let the berries’ taste be more prominent.

10. We’ll leave the banana out so the berry flavors can really stand out in the recipe.

we should

leave the banana out
avoid adding
keep the banana out

to allow

stand out
be prominent
be the star
Come through more strongly
take center stage

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