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이력서 포트폴리오 작성법으로 유명한 아마존의 STAR기법을 활용해보세요.
이력서 포트폴리오는 내가 면접관들을 나의 프레임에 갇히게 만드는 작업이에요. 면접관들을 내 프레임에서 벗어나기 힘들게 만들어야 해요. 그래야 내가 준비한 테두리 내의 질문들만 나오도록 만들 수 있겠죠.
다음은 STAR 기법의 핵심 내용이에요.
한 번 이력서 포트폴리오에 적용해보세요.
The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question. Here’s what it looks like:
Describe the situation you were in, or the task you needed to do. Give enough detail for the interviewer to understand the complexities of the situation. This example can be from a previous job, school project, volunteer activity, or other relevant event.
Describe your goal.
Describe the actions you took. Use an appropriate amount of detail. What steps did you take? What was your contribution? Let us know what you did, not what your team or group did. Use the word ‘I,’ not ‘we.’
Describe the outcome of your actions. Don’t be shy about taking credit for what you did. What happened? How did it end? What did you accomplish? What did you learn? Provide examples using metrics or data if applicable.
Consider your successes and failures in relation to the Leadership Principles. Use examples that showcase your expertise and how you’ve taken risks, succeeded, failed, and grown. Keep in mind that some of our most successful programs have risen from the ashes of failed projects. Failure is a necessary part of innovation. We believe in failing early and persevering until we get it right.
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